Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Examining Mediating Role of Engagement †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Examining Mediating Role of Engagement. Answer: Introduction This report will mainly focus on the HR role on the first hospital that has been facing problems. According to the case study given how a company can fall due to lack of HRM. Further this report presents with advice that is given to the CEO of the first hospital. The report will suggest an action to the CEO for the hospital in order to improve the Human Resource Management at that particular hospital. Further it will give the key features of the HR role building a sustainable HR capability, i.e. how will it build a proper idea or plan to make a sustainable HR capability, it will explain the steps that an HR has to take to give a strategic outlet and how will it deal with both its inner and external problems as the second hospital is going well due to its HR policies. In order to improve the condition of the first hospital as mentioned in the case study, a lot step is there which the CEO should take immediately. The CEO of a hospital at first have to understand that the work of the HR has to be done by a professional HR and no manager or the CEO himself can handle it. The CEO should understand that the hospital is going down just because of its lose HR policies. The CEO should now consider appointing a HRM. It is not the job of the finance manager and the CEO himself to work as a HRM. It is but obvious that the middle manager will have no knowledge about HRM as HRM is a different course of work, which includes a lot of rules. The CEO first should understand and differentiate between the courses of work each post has. Just like a doctor cannot work if he is given to build a bridge, as it is the task of an engineer, similarly, HRM has various key factors that affect a heath care practices in a good way. Hospitals need much more attention of the huma n resource management as it requires more efficient staffs and a proper plan to move ahead. The CEO have to make sure that in order to improve the quality of the hospital he has to take help from the HRM to manage the functions of the hospital, to make sure that the staffs are working efficiently, to handle the quality care that has been given to the patients. Importance of HRM The HRM helps to budget elements; they take care of the health system input and look after the expenditure categories as well (Townsend, Lawrence Wilkinson, 2013). The human resource management has the vital role to play in the field of management, especially in hospitals where the customers as in the patients might face inconvenience because of the performance of the staffs and incapability of the management to perform better. Therefore based on the case study, it is to be suggested that the main and primary job of the human resource management is to analyze the job see the threats of the organization and manage the work force utility and measurement and appraisal of work force. To improve the hospital the CEO should take help from the HRM to strategize the development of the hospital and see what equipments and measures other hospitals are taking and work according to that the Human Resource Management should take its decision. The CEO should understand that the lack of knowledge about the HRM (Human Resource Management) in a hospital can affect the development strategy in the health care sector of any country. According to the CEO of the hospital the company is in good hand but however by seeing the consequent challenges that hospital is facing the CEO has to make changes to improve the condition and the first step after appointing the HR team is to make sure that the human resource management team has the proper knowledge about the HR function. The CEO has to understand that the role of HRM is very important as they are responsible for the recruitment of the staffs, training them, assessing them, attraction and even rewarding the employees as well as seeing organizational leadership. In the first hospital as per the case study, the hospital needs much more guidance of HRM in order to discipline the hospital and make a system more effective (Wagner III Hollenbeck, 2014). A properly trained and confident HRM is required to manage the institutions. (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013) The function of Human Resource Management should include all the area of management such as financial management, marketing management and production management. The functions of the HRM are done by the HR managers to fulfill the objectives and goals of the organization and not middle manager. The HR work is basically divided into two sections, the operative functions and the managerial functions, which needs regular attention and not once a week attention. The basic functions are the managerial functions which are performed by thee HR managers as the HR heads of their own department, (Baluch, Salge Piening, 2013). In a hospital both the managerial functions and operative functions are very important, but operative functions are done exclusively by the HR managers. In a hospital the operative functions need to be handled more carefully as a lot of the performance of the hospital depends on it. Therefore the CEO should have very strong human resource manageme nt (Noe et al., 2014) As their work includes, job analysis and job design, selection and recruitment, health care opportunities, distribution of employee benefits, negotiations with organized labor, employee inspiration, employee termination, determination of emerging in the future trends of health care and strategic planning (Hlsheger et al., 2013). The CEO has to understand and thereafter improvise all this advice in his hospital to win over the challenges it is facing. Key Features of HR The key feature of an HR is to manage the people of the organization in order to increase competitive advantage. According to the case study it is important to keep an adequate HR department. The main significance of the evolution of HR is the growth of its character from personal management to include organization effectiveness and growth. The organizational capabilities are very important and it is known as Elusive Assets (Renwick, Redman, Maguire, 2013). It is consisting of products such a s financial service, software. The organizational capabilities like leadership, like-mindedness, connection with the customers are very important in an organization. The change in the nature of the HR role is changing rapidly and dynamically, there work has become far more intense than just recruiting people and maintaining the rules and regulations. (Sheehan et al., 2014) The HR is now becoming the back bone of a company. The approach of Human Resource Management has developed and the word sus tainability is dealt with semantic difficulties just like conceptualizing its relation with HRM. Therefore the main key feature is to increase the focus on sustainability, as it helps to meet the expectation of diverse stakeholders (Alfes et al., 2013). As a sustainable organization will able to meet its expectation of it stakeholders. It will able to generate long-term goals and benefits by making link between, environment, economics and social consideration of that organization. In order to build sustainable organization few thinks has to be kept in mind, i.e. the customer demand, capabilities of the competitors, the importance of strategy, the basic value of that particular organization, the importance of organizational culture, global trends and the creating a benchmark for that industry, short-term external actions. There should be a proper division of the group of employees, frontline employees, senior and executive leadership, and then comes the midlevel management and finall y frontline supervisors (Marler, Fisher, 2013). This division helps in categorizing the work and managing the employees accordingly. The gap in skills should not be there and hence it will detect the capability of the sustainability of that organization (Armstrong, Taylor, 2014). The HR is mainly kept to discipline an organization as discipline is the main part to keep an organization for a long term. The Human resource management is the link between the human, social components and business strategies of the firm. The HR role is a widespread program of consultation, meeting the goals of the company for the betterment of those particular organizations. The management team of the CEO is the architectures of the social structure and their main partner is the HR manager of the company (Messersmith, Wales, 2013). The management has to consult with the HR regarding any changes in the organization, as the HR decides whether the new change will be profitable for the organization or not. It has been proved that the HR has a very important responsibility in an organization. Conclusion The Human Resource Management is essential in order to allow the delivery of effective and efficient medical services and also to achieve patient satisfaction. According to the case study the first hospital faced a lot of challenges just because the lack of knowledge they had about HRM. The above report shows that the human resource management has an effective impact on the healthcare eminence. The role of human resource management is to achieve management goals of institution and to put more effort in order to develop the performance of the hospital nurses and staff through proper training to progress the value of healthcare service. The role of an HR is very crucial in every organization and without them any organization is backboneless. References Alfes, K., Truss, C., Soane, E. C., Rees, C., Gatenby, M. (2013). The relationship between line manager behavior, perceived HRM practices, and individual performance: Examining the mediating role of engagement.Human resource management,52(6), 839-859. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Baluch, A. M., Salge, T. 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